Delivering Great Presentation Skills Training Course in Indonesia

Our corporate training course is also available in Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Bekasi, Medan, Tangerang, Depok, Semarang, Palembang, Makassar, South Tangerang (Tangerang Selatan), Batam, Bogor, Pekanbaru, Bandar Lampung, Padang, Malang, Surakarta (Solo), Balikpapan, Denpasar, Samarinda, Cimahi, Yogyakarta, Banjarmasin, Serang, Jambi, Pontianak, Manado, Mataram, Batu, Ubud (Bali), Bali, Lombok, Surakarta, Manado, Makassar, Semarang, Balikpapan. 

About This Presentation Skills Training Course in Indonesia

Presentation Skills Training Course in Indonesia

To deliver an excellent presentation, you don’t have to raise your voice or perform tricks to keep your audience engaged. Many studies have found that public speaking is the number one fear amongst most people, outranking flying, snakes, insects, and even death. It is also one of the skills that can make or break a person’s career.

In this presentation skills course, training participants will effective presentation skills that will make them highly competent.

Who Should Attend This Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia

This Presentations skills training Training Course in Indonesia workshop is ideal for anyone who would like to gain a strong grasp and improve their Delivering Great Presentations.

  • All Staff Within An Organisation

  • Managers

  • Team Leaders

  • Executives

  • Assistants

  • Officers

  • Secretaries

Group Size For This Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia

The ideal group size for this Delivering Great Presentations course in Indonesia is:

  • Minimum: 5 Participants

  • Maximum: 15 Participants

Course Duration For This Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia

The duration of this Presentations training course in Indonesia workshop is 2 full days. Knowles Training Institute Indonesia will also be able to contextualised this workshop according to different durations; 3 full days, 1 day, half day, 90 minutes and 60 minutes.

  • 2 Full Days

  • 9 a.m to 5 p.m

Presentations Skills Training Course in Indonesia Objectives

Below Is The List Of Course Objectives Of Our Delivering Great Presentations Course in Indonesia

Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia Training – Part 1

  • Perform A Needs Analysis And Prepare An Outline For Your Presentation.
  • Select Presentation Delivery Methods.

Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia Training – Part 2

  • Practice Verbal And Non-Verbal Communication Skills.
  • Elimiate Nervousness Before and During Presentations.

Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia Training – Part 3

  • Develop And Use Flip Charts With Colour.
  • Create Targeted Powerpoint Presentations.

Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia Training – Part 4

  • Utilise White Board For Reinforcement.
  • Explain How Video And Audio Enhance A Presentation.
  • Enrich The Learning Experience With Humour, Questions, And Discussion During Your Presentation.

Course Content For This Delivering Great Presentations Training Course in Indonesia

Below Is The List Of Course Content Of Our Delivering Great Presentations Course in Indonesia

Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia – Part 1: Creating The Program For Your Presentation
In the first part of this presentation skills course, we will look at the steps to follow when designing a plan to enhance your presentation skills. The first thing you need to do is to conduct a needs analysis. This will assist you to understand better the audience you are presenting to and provide you with the solutions to a few common basic questions. A basic framework and some minor study would then be utilized to help create a basic program that will help you in developing your presentation skills.

  • How To Perform a Needs Analysis For Your Presentation
    • A needs analysis measures what kind of different skills employees have and what skills they would need. It can show you how to deliver the training at the appropriate time.
  • Writing the Basic Outline of Your Presentation
    • To develop the outline for your presentation, consolidate the tasks that fit together and create headings that reflect the goal of the subtasks.
  • Researching, Writing, and Editing Your Presentation

Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia – Part 2: Choosing Your Presentation Delivery Methods
In this section of the presentation course, you will determine what methods you will use to deliver your presentation. We will be beginning by covering basic presentation delivery techniques. Once we have a strong foundation and grasp on the basic techniques, we will then dive into more advanced presentation methods.

  • Basic Presentation Delivery Methods
  • Advanced Presentation Delivery Methods
    • After you feel satisfied with basic delivery techniques, you can then begin to explore some challenging ways to present and facilitate learning experiences.
  • Basic Criteria to Consider
    • A training presentation can be a combination of different delivery methods as long as the net result is to achieve learning outcomes.

Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia – Part 3: Verbal Communication Skills During Presentations
Communication skills are required in order to deliver a great presentation. Without being able to verbalize your ideas and opinions, there is very little chance of having a successful presentation. This part of the presentation course will begin with looking, listening, and hearing skills, asking the proper and helpful questions, and finish off communicating with increased power.

  • Listening and Hearing: They Aren’t the Same Thing
    • Hearing is an act of perceiving sound by the ear. Assuming an individual is not hearing-impaired, hearing is something that naturally happens. Listening, however, is something that one has to choose to do. Listening requires attention so that the brain can process information from words and sentences. Listening leads to learning.
  • Asking Questions
    • Types of questions are helpful in a presentation; open-ended questions, clarifying questions, and closed questions.
  • How to Communicate with Power
    • It’s been said that you have exactly thirty seconds and two minutes to capture your everyone’s’ attention. It is crucial to be able to engage people from the beginning

Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia – Part 4: Non-Verbal Communication Skills During Presentations

  • Appropriate Body Language for Presentation
    • Non-verbal communication is a method of communication by sending and receiving messages that contain no words. It is the most important form of communication. Nonverbal communication cues you into what is on another person’s mind, even more than voice or words can do.
  • Gestures to Use During Presentation
    • Gestures are an essential tool for any presenter. The challenge is to make gestures to support the speaking, reinforcing ideas.
  • The Signals You Send to Others
    • Signals are movements used to communicate your needs, desires, and feelings to other people. They are a form of expressive communication. More than 75% of the signs and signals you send to others are non-verbal.
  • It’s Not What You Say; It’s How You Say It

Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia – Part 5: Overcoming Nervousness Before and During Presentation
Nervousness is perfectly normal when delivering a presentation. Public speaking is one of the top fear in the top ten lists of fears. Nervousness can strike at any point in a presentation. In the beginning, if you feel the audience has slipped away from you and if your memory betrays you. This part of the presentation course will provide you with methods to overcome presentation jitters.

  • Preparing Mentally
    • Visualization is the formation of visual images – mentally. It is a great way to prepare your mind before delivering a presentation.
  • Physical Relaxation Techniques
    • When nervous, people tend to breathe many short, shallow breaths in their upper chest.
  • Appearing Confident in Front of the Crowd

Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia – Part 6: Creating Fantastic Flip Charts For Your Presentation

  • Required Tools
    • You might need a flip chart easel, pads of flip chart paper, a few sets of colored markers, and masking tape to showcase the results of exercises.
  • The Advantages of Pre-Writing
    • There are many great reasons to pre-write your flip chart content
  • Using Colors Appropriately
    • Good use of different bright colors can make a difference in the dynamics of a presentation — and how participants view the content. Also, the effect of a great chart can suffer from the lack of color.
  • Creating a Plan B
    • Paper isn’t permanent. If you’re traveling with your materials or shipping them, such packages can get lost and/or damaged. You will need a plan B in case something happens

Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia– Part 7: Creating Compelling PowerPoint Presentations
Microsoft PowerPoint is a great tool to use when creating slides (visually) for a presentation. Visuals that are created in PowerPoint and shown on a screen is easier to see in a larger room than information displayed on a flip chart.

  • List of Required Tools
  • Beautiful Powerpoint Presentation: Tips and Tricks
  • Creating a Plan B
    • Though technology enables you to make great improvements to a presentation, it also offers many more opportunities for technical difficulties. Here are suggestions to keep your presentation moving along, even if the technology isn’t.

Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia – Part 8: Wow ‘Em with the Whiteboard
A whiteboard is a name for any gloss-surfaced writing board where non-permanent writings can be done. Unlike its predecessor, the chalkboard, there is no chalk dust, and markings remain longer than they would on a chalkboard. Whiteboards have been around since the 1970s, and are now improved and significantly more affordable compared to early models. The use of a whiteboard helps to improve interactivity during a presentation.

  • Traditional and Electronic Whiteboards
  • Using Colors Appropriately
    • Colors on a whiteboard are often more vivid than those on a flip chart.
  • Creating a Plan B

Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia – Part 9: Vibrant Videos and Amazing Audio
Audio and video are a part of our everyday lives, so they are accepted –and even media in a presentation. They are appealing options for a presentation because they provide learners with more dimensions by which to receive information. While video and audio both represent a one-way communication to participants, the opportunity to use them as part of learning exercises or in the ensuing discussions adds value to the presentation

  • Required Tools For Audio & Video
    • For video with audio, you will need some type of player, depending upon the media type
  • Tips and Tricks For Audio & Video
  • Creating a Plan B For Your Audio & Video
    • Regardless of the method you use for your audio and video, it is essential to have a plan B set in place in the event that something goes awry with the technology.

Presentation Skills Course in Indonesia – Part 10: Pumping Up Your Presentation Up a Notch
Bringing it to the next level is something you can accomplish after feeling comfortable with all of the previous topics discussed. You can add the little touches that will produce a lot of value during your presentation.

  • Make Them Laugh a Little
    • Humor is one the most popular way to hype a presentation. It makes the audience get align with you, and it also sends a signal that you are in charge. If delivered well, humor enriches a presentation.
  • Questioning Techniques
    • Proper questions can also be used in many ways, and at just about any time during your presentation.
  • Encouraging Discussion
    • Most of the discussion during your presentation should be structured to fit with the learning exercises. If a comment or question is made during a discussion that is not of the topic or something that will not be appropriate to deal with at that time, you can always add it to the parking lot, and come back to it during the wrap-up to bring closure.
  • Dealing with Questions
    • If time permits in your presentation, you should wish to hold a general question-and-answer session.

Presentations Skills Training Course in Indonesia Value Added Materials

Each participant will receive the following materials for the Delivering Great Presentations course

Presentations Skills Course in Indonesia Learner’s Guide

Presentations Skills Course in Indonesia Handouts

Presentations Skills Course in Indonesia PPT Slides Used During Course

Presentations Skills Course in Indonesia Certification

Each course participant will receive a certification of training completion

Course Fees For Presentation Skills Training Course in Indonesia

There are 4 pricing options available for this Delivering Great Presentations training course in Indonesia. Course participants not in Indonesia may choose to sign up for our online Delivering Great Presentations training course in Indonesia.

  • USD 679.97 For a 60-minute Lunch Talk Session.
  • USD 259.97 For a Half Day Course Per Participant.
  • USD 419.97 For a 1 Day Course Per Participant.
  • USD 569.97 For a 2 Day Course Per Participant.
  • Discounts available for more than 2 participants.

Upcoming Delivering Great Presentations Training Course in Indonesia Schedule

Contact us for the latest Delivering Great Presentations course in Indonesia schedules:



    Download Presentations Skills Course in Indonesia Brochure

    Request for this Delivering Great Presentations skills course in Indonesia brochure. Fill up the short information below and we will send it to you right away!

      • Post Training Support: A vast majority of training does not have any effect beyond 120 days. To work, training has to have a strong pre- and post-training component. Post-training reinforcement helps individuals to recall the understanding and ask questions.

      • Blended Learning: Learning does not occur in the classroom. Virtually everybody prefers distinct ways of learning. Successful learning should have a multi-channel, multi-modal strategy.

      • We Understand The Industry: We’ve got a profound comprehension of the business, business design, challenges, strategy and the that our participants are in and have designed the courseware to cater to their professional needs.
      • Course Content: Knowles Training Institute’s material is relevant, of high quality and provide specific learning results. Participants will leave the training course feeling as they have gained a strong understanding and will also be in a position to execute what they have learned sensibly.
      • Course Development — The workshop modules follow a systematic and logical arrangement. This structure helps to ensure that the course material allows the facilitators to deliver the course in a logical arrangement. Consider the subjects as building bricks into learning, our facilitators slowly build towards a comprehensive picture of this entire topic.

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      Alternatively, give us a call to have one of our training consultants contact you. Our corporate training courses can be contextualized to meet your organization’s training needs. Leverage on our large pool of professional trainers and consultants for your organization’s training needs.


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        Presentation Skills FAQ

        There is no one particular set of rules. However, those in common are: 1) Effective preparation. To the extent that you are confident about telling the right information, in the right approach. 2) Your audience and message. Make the message that you need to convey to your audience clear. 3) Never overrun your allocated time. Any speech or presentation is better when concise. 4) The audience starts on your side - they are there willingly. They have chosen to hear from you and enjoy your presentation.
        Here are some tips to enhance presentation skills: Practice - Rehearse presentation. Convert apprehensive energy into enthusiasm. Attend other presentations. Arrive early. Adjust to your surroundings. Meet and greet. Use positive visualization. Remember that most audiences are sympathetic. Take deep breaths. Smile. Exercise. Work on Pauses. Don’t try to cover too much material. Actively engage the audience. Be entertaining. Admit you don’t have all the answers. Use a power stance. Drink water. Join Toastmasters. Don’t fight the fear.
        1) To provide information. This format includes an introduction to an upcoming event or a demonstration that shows product functions. 2) To teach a skill. E.g. Teaching employees how to work the new machine and follow the new process implemented. 3) To report progress. As you combine the new system into your daily routine, your boss wants to know how it is working. 4) To sell a product or service. For example, a recap of the goods or service, following steps and progress items. 5) Solving a Problem. Determine the ideal outcome, suggest solutions and present your recommendation.
        Evaluate presentation skills by using evaluation parameters. They are about the effectiveness of delivery as they excellent indicators of the strength of the underlying content. There are three main categories: Presentation Structure - Consider the story flow, message clarity in the slides, and whether the ideas were clearly presented. Method of Delivery - Consider the use of effective opening, Audience engagement, and Verbal transitions between slides. Style of Delivery - Consider eye contact, voice clarity, unnecessary hand gestures, confident body language.
        Recognize what makes an excellent presentation. Here are some examples: Confidence - Prepare thoroughly to do the most outstanding job. The right mindset can make a huge difference. Passion - Talk passionately and eloquently about a subject as it will hold the attention of those you are speaking to and hopefully ignite a passion of their own. Naturalness - Memorizing a presentation can help to make you feel prepared, but an overly memorized presentation isn’t too much fun to sit through. Clarity - Identify a concise message that can quickly be interpreted and taken from your presentation.
        Presentations introduce a topic to an audience with the support of projected images as slides. MS PowerPoint was the first to introduce this style of communication. Agenda overview - This step is to help the audience to familiarise the structure of your material. Present your Prominent Idea - Explain your main idea first - It will serve as a framework for further explanations. Content, Section-by-Section - Begin to break into segments; introduce each segment with its details. Strengthen your presentation with related activities.
        Here are some types of presentation styles:   Visual Style - Slides simply exist to support your talking points. Relies on speaking more than other styles. Great for speaking to large audiences. Freeform Style - No slides used, just impromptu stories. You’ll look less rehearsed and conversational. Instructor Style - To deliver complex messages with figures of speech, metaphors, and lots of content. Coach Style - Using role play and interacting with the audience to connect and engage with their audience. Storytelling Style - In this style, the speaker relies on stories to connect with their audience.
        An effective presentation has three separate parts: the Introduction, Body and Conclusion. The introduction should catch notice, build support and set the path for the entire presentation. The body of your presentation is where the main content resides. Here is where you will spend most of your time. The conclusion is the last thing that people remember. Hence if done well, it will be memorable for them.
        There are four primary methods for presentation: manuscript, memorized, extemporaneous, and impromptu. Manuscript Style - The speech is written and prepared beforehand, and the speaker reads it word for word to the audience. Memorized Style - It is bound to memory and recited to the audience word for word. Impromptu Style - It is unprepared and unrehearsed. Often ceremonial toasts, grace before meals fall into this category. Extemporaneous Style - It is a mix of the memorized and impromptu styles.
        Welcome your attendees and introduce yourself - It is polite to start with a friendly welcome, as everyone will want to know who you are. Identify your priority goal or topic of presentation - Be clear about this to your audience Give a quick outline of your presentation - This catches your listeners. It will also help them to understand your presentation and stay alert. Present instructions for how to ask questions (if appropriate for your situation)
        1. Display your Passion and Connect with your Audience When you’re nervous, be relaxed and be yourself. Be passionate and genuine, and the fans will respond. 2. Focus on your Audience’s Needs Your presentation needs to be about what your audience is going to take home. 3. Concentrate on your Core Message What is critical for the audience to take away? 4. Smile and Make Eye Contact with your Audience The audience needs to view you, not only your slides. 5. Start Strongly The beginning of your presentation is crucial. Grab your audience’s attention and hold it.
        This presentation rule implies that you should have a maximum of six words per line and no more than six bullet-points per slide. The purpose is to prevent your slide to be innundated with excess information. However, critics say this tip is so out of date, that it's synonymous with those PowerPoint errors that'll make you look old-fashioned.
        Here are some suggested creative presentation methods: 1. Tell a Story Stories are much more compelling than facts because tales entertain us. 2. Ask Questions at Crucial Moments Ask questions and interact with the audience. Answering a problem makes them interested in your presentation and keeps their interest glued to your words. 3. Break It Up With Humor Humour makes the world go around. And the same holds for the business world. No one likes to work with a formal, stiff bureaucrat. 4. Design Your PowerPoint for Persuasion, Not Distraction PowerPoint is for leading your audience through your presentation. It needs to be purposeful, not merely for the sake of itself.
        The 6 Main Purposes of Presentations The six primary purposes are: 1. To Inform. 2. To Instruct. 3. To Entertain. Unless you're a trained stand-up comedian, you probably won't be making speeches solely to entertain, so this is not common. 4. To Inspire / Motivate. 5. To Activate / Stimulate. Maybe you don't just desire to inspire people, but you want to spur them to take action.
        Here are several common types:   Informative As the name implies an informative company presentation is educational. Relevant elements are cause and effect, and logical order. Decision Making They are interactive presentations where a group works on an idea given by the presenter to work at a decision. Instructional The idea of an instructional presentation is to furnish specific commands or orders. Persuasive The purpose of a compelling presentation is to persuade your listeners to accept your proposal. Arousing Presenters use this presentation type to make people think about a particular problem or situation.
        Here are some skills for an oral presentation that you would need to master: Planning your presentation As a general rule, expect to use less content than you would in a written report. Delivering your presentation Everyone gets nervous. Learn simple techniques to overcome that nervousness and confidently address your audience. Effective use of notes The reliance on the use of notes varies significantly from speaker to speaker. Develop your method on how you write your notes. Visual aids Visual aids catches the audiences attention and makes the presentation exciting and intriguing.
        When giving an oral presentation, four features determine the quality of the presentation: Preparation A robust oral presentation begins with sound research. Remember when to trim and take out distracting facts. Delivery Practice the flow of the presentation after you have done your preparation. Allow the words to flow naturally and a speaker's personality to liven up the topic. Audience The audience is the most unpredictable feature of a vocal performance. The audience sets the tone, language and types of visuals. Visuals Consider using objects, computers, handouts, experiments, pictures projections, other people, and demonstrations.
        Here are some of the useful features of PowerPoint: 1) Adding Smart Art SmartArt is a business design tool that proceeded the 'Diagram Gallery' feature found in older versions of MS Office. 2) Inserting Shapes Be familiar with the various Drawing Tool format options. They will be helpful if you do need to draw a design manually. 3) Inserting an Image Insert Picture from File is used to upload an image file saved on your system. 4) Slide Transitions and Animations Properly used, slide changes can make your presentations exciting and fun.
        A presentation is a tool for expressing the opinions of the speaker in front of an audience. It can be given in many ways, for example, oral, PowerPoint presentation, or multimedia. Excellent presentations contain these elements: Content: it is a very significant element because it contains the information which is needed for a presentation. Structure: it is another central element of a presentation because it should have the proper structure, i.e. beginning, middle and end.
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