Telephone Etiquette Lunch Talk in Indonesia

Welcome to a transformative experience in refining communication skills with our exclusive lunch talk on “Telephone Etiquette” set in the vibrant locale of Indonesia. Picture a room filled with eager professionals, all poised to master the art of effective phone communication, an often-overlooked yet essential aspect of business interactions. Led by seasoned experts in communication etiquette, this talk isn’t just about answering calls; it’s about mastering the nuances of telephone conversations to leave a lasting positive impression on clients and colleagues alike.

In this dynamic session, you’ll delve into the subtleties of telephone communication, from tone and language to active listening and problem-solving. Explore practical strategies for handling various scenarios with confidence and professionalism, ensuring every phone interaction is seamless and productive. Whether you’re a seasoned professional looking to polish your communication skills or a budding entrepreneur eager to make a strong impression, this event promises to equip you with the tools needed to excel in telephone etiquette and elevate your professional image.

Talk Objectives:

  1. Understanding the Importance of Telephone Etiquette:
    Recognise the significance of professionalism and courtesy in telephone communication for creating positive impressions and building rapport.
  2. Mastering Tone and Language:
    Learn how to modulate your tone and choose appropriate language to convey friendliness, professionalism, and empathy over the phone.
  3. Practicing Active Listening:
    Explore techniques for active listening to ensure full understanding of callers’ needs and concerns, fostering effective communication.
  4. Handling Difficult Situations:
    Develop strategies for handling challenging situations, such as angry or upset callers, with empathy, patience, and problem-solving skills.
  5. Managing Multiple Calls:
    Learn effective time management techniques to handle multiple calls efficiently while maintaining professionalism and attentiveness to each caller.
  6. Providing Accurate Information:
    Understand the importance of providing accurate and relevant information to callers, enhancing credibility and trustworthiness.
  7. Resolving Queries and Concerns:
    Gain skills in addressing callers’ queries and concerns promptly and effectively, ensuring a satisfactory resolution to their issues.
  8. Following Proper Phone Etiquette:
    Learn and adhere to proper phone etiquette, including greeting callers courteously, identifying oneself, and concluding calls politely.
  9. Protecting Caller Privacy and Confidentiality:
    Understand the importance of respecting caller privacy and confidentiality, ensuring that sensitive information is handled securely and discreetly.
  10. Seeking Feedback and Continuous Improvement:
    Encourage feedback from callers and colleagues to identify areas for improvement and refine telephone communication skills continuously.

Don’t let your phone etiquette be an afterthought—join us for an insightful lunch talk on “Telephone Etiquette” in Indonesia and unlock the secrets to professional communication over the phone. Reserve your spot today to gain practical skills and strategies that will set you apart in business interactions and leave a lasting positive impression on callers. Elevate your professionalism and enhance your career prospects by mastering the art of effective telephone communication.

Seize this opportunity to refine your communication skills and elevate your professional image. Sign up now for our lunch talk on telephone etiquette and equip yourself with the tools needed to navigate any phone conversation with confidence and grace. Don’t miss out on this chance to stand out in the competitive business world—secure your seat today!

More Information:

Duration: 60 minutes

Fees: $1899.97  USD 679.97

For more information please contact us at:

If you would like to register for this talk, fill out the registration form below.


    The Best Corporate Lunchtime Talks, lunch and learn, Lunch Talks in Indonesia